Looking for insights into the Australian Real Estate Market? Talk to ECF.


ECF ace new strategic partnership with Australian Developer

ECF have recently been instructed by an Australian developer to produce a paper on historical policy developments in the UK Build to Rent (BTR) market.

The team are now in the process of conducting the primary and secondary research required to deliver a paper that will inform the investment, branding and messaging decisions the Sydney-based developer will take in the future.

“We are particularly pleased to be able to continue to grow our advisory services to international clients and particularly those in Australia, given our close working relationship with one of the country’s leading communications and engagement consultancies.

For developers who might be looking to invest in the Australian real estate market, we are well placed to help you understand the differences between the UK and Australia”

ECF Director Oliver Deed

Would you like to find out more from Engage Communicate Facilitate (ECF)?
Reach out to them through the instant messaging feature on their TrustedLand profile HERE or email team@trustedland.co.uk 


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